Agent Based Blocking and Response,intrusion detection using signature.
Agent Based Blocking and Response,intrusion detection using signature.
1. Introduction
In today’s modern world, more and more people are using the Internet for either personal or business purposes. According to the Internet usage statistics provided by (2006), the latest data on Internet usage as of December 2005, shows that 1,018,057,389 people are using the Internet around the world. In the year 2006 it is expected that this number will increase up to 6,499,697,060 people using the Internet worldwide. The statistics shows that people around the globe are depending on information technology in doing their day-to-day activities such as reading the news, communicating via email, checking stock market prices, playing games, and so on. For organizations this is the opportunity to broaden their marketing area because Internet is not limited by geographical boundaries. More and more online marketing is done which is known as e-commerce. In doing e-commerce customers information is very important. In order to protect this information from falling into the wrong hands, a secure environment is needed during online transactions. One of the methods that could be used to established secure online transaction is by using secure socket layer (SSL).
Hackers and crackers are not always from outside an organization, they could also be from inside an organization. Organizations sometimes too concentrate in building defenses to prevent attacks from the outside forgetting about internal security. The organization’s own staffs are also threats to the organization’s security because anyone is a potential hacker or cracker once that person is using a computer. A system administrator may crossover his or her job responsibility by introducing malicious program such as worm into the organization’s server. In this case the prevention security system implemented by the organization is rendered useless because such a system could only prevent threats that flow through and towards it but not after passing it. Another type of security system is clearly needed. The new security system should notreplace the existing security prevention system but complement and work with existing security system in order to enhance security. This type of security system is known as Intrusion Detection System (IDS). As the name implies it will detect outside and inside intrusion and it will alert system administrator of the threats. In this paper, section 2 will describe the basic concept of IDS and section 3 will describe the proposed method which is the Agent Based SNORT (ABS). Finally, section 4 will present the conclusion.
2. Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
Earlier IDS whether it is a host based IDS or network based IDS, is using a central control method of collecting and analyzing data. This type of control raises some security and performance issues such as:
• If an attacker successfully penetrates the central control machine then the attacker will be able to control the entire network without being noticed.
• In a large network the data collected will take some time to reach the control center to be analyzed which will cause a delay in alarming the system administrator about an attack.
• More activities collected and analyzed will cause higher load to the network which leads to degrading of performance.
• If the network is down then the IDS will not be able to detect any suspectable activities.
• Incidents are recorded and alerted to system administrator via IDS, but if the incidents are too many then the system administrator will not be able to deal with or respond to all of those incidents.
• Attackers will try their best to attack IDS in order to stealth their movements.
As e-commerce activities increases so does cyber crime. Organizations are putting a large amount of effort in protecting themselves from threats whether from the outside or inside. An IDS is the type of safeguard which has become increasingly popular among organizations in conjunction with their purpose of enhancing their security system. IDS could detect intrusion from inside out of a network and then trigger an alarm to notify system administrator that an intrusion has occurred. The significance of this study is:
• To avoid single point of failure so that the network will not become easily penetrated without being detected.
• To make it difficult for intruders to sneak inside a network without being detected.
• To give system administrator more time to monitor large network by introducing mobile agent that has autonomous features so that it would not be too dependent on human intervention during an incident.
3. Proposed IDS method
The proposed method is called Agent Based SNORT or so called ABS. ABS architecture will be discussed in later section. There are three basics components, the intrusion detection, the mobile agent platform and the mobile agents. Briefly, ABS will rely on the intrusion detection component to detect intrusion using the misuse analysis method. Once an intrusion is detected the mobile agent will gather information about the attack and then respond to it autonomously. The mobile agent platform is where the mobile agents are initiated and used for mobile agent’s mobility.
3.1 ABS Architecture
The ABS Architecture is as shown in Figure 1. At the system administrator host, Snort must be up and running before the Mobile Agent Platform is initiated. On startup the Mobile Agent Platform will initialize mobile agents. Other hosts must also have the Mobile Agent Platform started in order for the mobile agents to move from one host to another. If an intrusion is detected by Snort, the intrusion will be recorded or logged in the Alert Log File which is continuously read by a mobile agent. The mobile agent reading the Alert Log File will then inform another mobile agent that will clone itself first and then the cloned mobile agent will migrate to the targeted host and try to stop the intrusion. If the cloned mobile agent successfully stops the intrusion, it will inform the Mobile Agent Platform.
3.2 Architecture Components
3.2.1. Network Intrusion Detection System
Snort is an open source network intrusion detection system that has been chosen for this study. Snort comprises of multiple components that communicate with each other in order to detect intrusion according to its signature database, Snort basic components are as shown below while Figure 2 shows how these components work together:
• Packet Decoder
• Preprocessors
• Detection Engine
• Logging and Alerting System
• Output Modules.
Snort produces two types of log files; Alert log file and Snort log file. Alert log file is used to log intrusions detected by the detection engine component using the signature based data stored in a file called Rules. Snort log file is where all packets activities are recorded. For all three types of DOS Attack chosen for this projects, the packets are captured by using Ethereal a network tools and analyze the attacks to come up with unique signatures of each attacks. After the signatures are ready, it will be stored in a rule file, for this study the rule file is named dos_attack.rule. The reason for not using snort’s default rule files is because, when snort reads the DARPA 1999 evaluation data set, there are lots of other intrusions being detected which cause confusion and difficulties in identifying the attacks chosen for this study. Moreover the rule used to detect certain attacks is not under the appropriate name, for example, the Ping of Death attack rule is under Bad-Traffic.rule file not under DOS.rule file. How to write Snort rule is not going to be discussed here because it’s quite a large topic, therefore to better understand about writing Snort rule, the Snort manual is the best document to refer to. It is available at
3.2.2. Mobile Agent
Aglet is the mobile agent chosen for this study. Two mobile agents involved in the ABS system are abs.ReconAglet and abs.RespondAglet. abs.ReconAglet will be initiated when Tahiti server is activated. Once initiated, abs.ReconAglet will then initialized abs.RespondAglet. These mobile agents will autonomously execute their given tasks. abs.ReconAglet is responsible in reading snort’s alert log file from time to time to search for any intrusion detected by snort. Because intrusion could happen anytime, abs.ReconAglet could be instructed to read the Alert log file in milliseconds. If there’s an intrusion, abs.ReconAglet will gather information about the attack, which is the attacker and victim IP address, protocol and port. This information will then be passed to abs.RespondAglet using Aglet’s message passing method. abs.RespondAglet as the name implies will respond to intrusion after receiving message from abs.ReconAglet by instructing the host’s firewall to drop the attackers packets or closing ports where the intrusion is generated. abs.RespondAglet will move from host to host by cloning itself first at the system administrator host. The cloned abs.RespondAglet will then migrate to the targeted host. After successfully executing its task, abs.RespongAglet will pop up a window at the system administrator host before disposing itself in order not to congest the network or hosts with mobile agents. The changes made to the host firewall by abs.RespondAglet is not permanent, the firewall settings will go back to its default settings when the host is restarted. The intention of doing this is not to change the default settings that the system administrator has made to all hosts. Otherwise system administrator has to check each host in order to change the firewall settings back to its default settings.
3.2.3. Tahiti Server
Tahiti server is the platform for mobile agent Aglets and it has Graphical User Interface (GUI). Tahiti server is responsible for creating, disposing, cloning, kill, dispatching, retracting and so forth. In order for Aglets to move from host to host, Tahiti server must be installed at each host. Tahiti server at the system administrator host will initialize abs.ReconAglet as soon as it is executed. Then it will prompt the system administrator to select the location of the snort Alert log file. After that the system administrator is asked to key in the time interval for abs.ReconAglet to read the snort Alert log file in milliseconds.
4. Conclusion
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in its traditional form is doing intrusion detection all by itself. Its function is to alert system administrator once an intrusion is detected. The system administrator then will take appropriate action to deal with the intrusion. Agent Based Snort (ABS) is proposed to discover whether the integration of IDS and Mobile Agent would lessen the human intervention when an intrusion is detected having the Mobile Agent autonomously respond towards the intrusion.
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